LV YMF Professional Development Panel - 2021

In 2021, ASCE Las Vegas YMF fundraising hosted a virtual professional development panel. The topic chosen was “Professional Development During Covid-19”. Our panelists were given a list of questions pertaining to how the pandemic, working from home, and being away from the office, have influenced their careers. We chose a group of panelists that vary in career levels. Austin Brooks,EI, is a recent undergraduate working for Stantec. Tory Jackson, PE, is a project manager for HDR. John Meng, PE, is the president/owner of Strive Engineering. Alyssa Rodriguez, PE, is the head of IT for the City of Henderson.  Our moderator was Jaffer Almosawy, PE, from GCW. At the end of the event, 3 gift cards of $20 each were raffled.


City of Henderson Technical Tour


Virtual Office Crawl 2021