Virtual Office Crawl 2021
On May 21, 2021, ASCE-YMF was host to the first ever virtual version of our annual Office Crawl. Like previous iterations of the event, students visited multiple engineering firms and a local entity, and shared their resumes, but this year it was accomplished virtually. Twenty undergraduate and graduate students registered for this year’s event. During the meeting, the students were able to hear presentations from 4 local/international engineering firms and one local entity. There was also a Q & A session at the end, which allowed students to hear remarks from local professionals on topics of interest. Swag bags with donated items from the firms were also available for all of the participating students. Additionally, the event was an opportunity for the local engineering community to interact with future engineering professionals and evaluate them for potential employment opportunities.
Thanks to the local engineering firms/professional for staying involved in the development of future engineers and best of luck in their career searches, to the students who participated!