WRYMC 2015 - Seattle, WA
On February 19-20, 2015, Las Vegas YMF traveled to Seattle, Washington for the annual Western Regional Younger Member Council (WRYMC) meeting. This conference is held in conjunction with the Workshop for Section and Branch Leaders (WSBL) as well as the Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders (WSCL). The conference provides attendees the opportunity to gain education on the structure of ASCE and resources available to members through various icebreakers and games such as CYM Jeopardy, attendees were able to gain a strong understanding about ASCE. Attendees were also given the opportunity to network with members from other sections and branches and build strong lasting relationships with each other. In addition to learning about ASCE, valuable lessons were taught on sustainability and how it is measured in the field, including differences and applications of some of the major sustainability rating systems. Methods of debriefing were also learned and how something as simple as a debrief can elevate a teams performance.
But the weekend was not all work and no play, both students and younger members had the opportunity to bond with members of our own regions and sections at the section dinner. We were also invited to take on a scavenger hunt in the streets of downtown Seattle followed by a pub crawl. If there is one thing to grasp about engineers, its that although we may work hard, we play harder.