UNLV ASCE Professional Panel
The UNLV ASCE Professional Panel was held on March 4th, 2020. The event consisted of young professional engineers around the valley reflecting on their experience as students at UNLV, how they were able to balance work and student priorities, as well as accomplishing class grades and their internships at work. The professional panel was consisted on four young engineers who have been part of the UNLV student chapter during their college years and have always wanted to give back to the chapter itself. Each young professional has about eight years of experience in different sectors of engineering ranging from land development, water/wastewater, and transportation.
This event allowed students to get a sense of how a day to day operation works once you graduated and network around with different co-workers, clients, and people. This event also provided a great opportunity for students to interact with YMF members as the students asked many great questions about there career goals. Overall, informative, friendly, and effective discussions were carried out between the students and professional on career driven goals and accomplishments.