AZ Hot Springs

On Saturday, October 27th, the Las Vegas YMF and the UNLV ASCE student chapter participated on a group hike to the Arizona Hot Springs along the Colorado River. An adventurous group of eight ASCE members met bright and early to carpool from Las Vegas to the trailhead just east of the world-famous Hoover Dam. Once at the trailhead, the group of eight adventurous engineers began the seven mile trek down to the Colorado River. Along the way, everyone was able to take in the fantastic canyon views and leap/climb over boulder obstacles. Once the group reached the Colorado River, everyone took a small break and took the time to wade in the river and take some fantastic group photos.
After the quick river break, the group continued on their quest to reach the Arizona Hot Springs. Before reaching the final pools of geothermically heated water, the group had to traverse up one final obstacle - a National Park Service furnished aluminum ladder! Once in the hot spring pools, the group made their way slowly higher and higher into the hot spring canyon with each successive pool becoming hotter and hotter.
The group slowly made their way back down the hot spring canyon and down the ladder safely. The hike back to the trailhead was a bit more challenging since the team had to climb out of the canyon that they had just hiked into. Once back at the trailhead parking lot, the group celebrated with some cold beverages and reminisced about their recent journey. After some quick discussions, the team made their way to Fox’s Smokehouse BBQ in Boulder City to refuel from their hike. Overall it was a fantastic day for the group and the YMF/Student Chapter members only increased their level of camaraderie and trust between each other.