ASCE Legislative Fly-In 2016

Everyone knows that ASCE provides members the opportunity for professional development and build your network, but is that all? The legislative affairs side of ASCE is one way you can expand your involvement with ASCE on a much larger scale. Every spring, ASCE holds what is called as the “Legislative Fly-In” where more than 200 ASCE members from across the country gather in Washington, DC to advocate for infrastructure improvements. 

ASCE Nevada has always been very active attending the Fly-In and this year was no different sending a total of 7 people. This included one member from Truckee Meadows Branch and the remaining six from the Southern Nevada Branch which included one younger member. 

The main focus this year for the members to push included the Federal Aviation Administration bill reauthorization, passing of the Water Resources Development Act to be on a two-year cycle, and to investments into water infrastructure.

Overall the experience was one that helped create relationships with elected officials and helped ASCE establish a role in helping to inform leaders of the important issues that not only help provide jobs for civil engineers but also help to maintain the safety of the public infrastructure. 


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